Have you ever had a "Ahaaaaaaaa" moment when shopping? Here are my top 6 "Ahaaaaaaaa" shopping moments:
6. Shopping with my friend and her step daughter for her wedding dress. I believe we both sang our angelic "ahaaaaaaaa"s together when we walked into the loft space that screamed anything but the "usual" wedding dresse!
5. Shabby Chic with a French Twist Mirror for 10 bucks. Logger's Games? Yes, an unlikely place, but the location made the "ahaaaaaaaa" even more incredible.
4. At a garage sale this weekend I scooped up some vintage flower fabric for a couple of bucks. I was so exicted that I remember looking around thinking that I better hold onto it so no one else steals my treasure! See my facebook page for photos of the dress http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mummy-Nuggle/246942909787
3. "Ahaaaaaaaa" moments are even better when the item is free! I found a big, old, decrepid, white frame on the side of the street on a rainy day last spring and dragged it home. It now holds it's rightly place on my living room wall (much to the disgrace of my husband who doesn't quite see the value in the "garbage" that I drag home).
2. Vintage Sundress. Salvation Army and Value Village(VV). Need I say more? *perfect with light brown cowboy boots*
1. My cowboy boots. I spent a glorious (child-free) afternoon at Kensington Market in Toronto. I had some birthday money and I have been dreaming of light brown cowboy boots for some time. Each store I went into was all out of boots my size, let alone light brown. I was feeling a little hopeless and then, well, the boots sang out to me! It was too good to be true to find the perfect pair in my size. I was practically singing in the store to the sales clerk who was clearly pleased that she had brought so much pleasure to her customer. *I also found a vintage sunflower dress at VV later in the day to top off my heavenly shopping experience*
Exciting! But I'm jealous! I can't for the life of me find a pair of brown boots! I'm keeping my eyes open though!
ReplyDeleteaaaaaah AAAAAAAAAAAAAH (the caps are to note how the sound of the "ahh" goes from a low note to a high note whilst hitting a crescendo!)