I came across a pattern for a skirt from NicoDesigns at http://www.etsy.com/listing/68239695/easy-peasy-skirt-a-basic-you-can-dress?ref=pr_shophttp://
and decided to give it a try! It was super easy, and then I added a ruffle on the bottom.
These gifts were stunning, made by my incredibly creative friend Lidija.
Overall, the day was filled with good friends, good laughs and good food! The after party turned into a cousin dress up event!
A huge thanks to all our friends and family who have supported, inspired and sustained us through the first 3 years of our little girls' lives.
Maya was so proud of herself because on a very rare shopping experience with just the two of us, she picked out the gingham buttons because they looked like her Raggedy Andy doll that her Grandma sewed for her!
2. Doily Garland
This garland is nothing special, just ribbon, doilies and fabric hearts.