Thursday, June 24, 2010

Double "Poopy" Trouble

*WARNING: The word POO will be used several times in this post!*

So I have officially joined the ranks of parents who talk about the ol' "take off the poopy diaper and rub it around the room" trick!

We started a relaxed version of potty training our 2-year-old twin girls a few weeks ago. No pressure, just talk about the pottty, go on it after meals etc. They have regressed somewhat, but today I was amused and reminded that we have made some sort of progression when one of my daughters was in the toddler pool sitting her little naked bottom on a tiny brown crayon and saying she was going "po0-poo"!

I had a simply lovely afternoon today, taking photos, watching my favourite tv show, catching up on emails...while my girls slept peacefully and then played independently in their room (simply glorious). When I finally decided to venture up to their room, the pungent odour of ripe poo hit me before I even made it up the stairs. My simply glorious afternoon had gone to "poo", quite literally! Yes, they had taken off their poopy diapers and it had spread all throughout their room.

So, as any self-respecting mother would do when faced with a simlar situation, I cleaned up what I could of the poo, told the girls they shouldn't take their diapers off, and told them that their daddy would have a talk with them when he got home. Yes, I pulled the "wait till your daddy comes home" line.

So, as bedtime approached, I went upstairs again to put new sheets on their bed, but still smelled the poo. I thought maybe I just needed to open the window, but one of my daughters pointed out that her little barnyard had poo-poo in it and of course, she blamed it on her sister! So, I scanned the barnyard and as I opened the white gate to the cow's stall, a loud "moo" shocked me, and then I spotted the poo. Now, I have to hand it to them, at least they put it in the cow's stall, where manure is supposed to go! I then discovered another diaper full of poo that I had missed in my earlier clean-up mission, and then one of the girls reached under her sister's bed and picked up the cow with "pop-poo" on it! I think this photo ends this little article quite nicely! Need I say more?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Best Friends

As I gaze at this photo of my twin girls with their twin "boyfriends," I am reminded of the children's book series about "Gossie and Gertie," two ducks who are friends, best friends. I recently asked one of my daughters who her best friend was, hoping for her to say her twin sister, but she named her best friends Baron and Chase!

It just melts my heart into mushy bits to see my girls experience friendship in its purest form: screaming in delight when they first see each other, the immediate complusion to hold hands, and the sacrafice in sharing and pushing each other on a swing.

Today as one of my little girls leaned forward in the stroller she shared with her best friend Chase, Chase saw his opportuity and pulled the old "yawn and slide the arm around the girl" trick. Ahhhh....summer love.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mummy Guilt

I recently heard a radio program talking about the pressure our culture and media puts on women to be the perfect mum. Times have changed. Women are expected to have the career, yet cook the meals, do the laundry, clean the home, pack the lunches, carpool around town, design the home, buy the birthday gifts, do the grocery shopping, dress the children, host the parties, buy the gifts, mold the character of their children... I feel exhausted just making this list, and I have only touched on a few of the overwhelming responsibilties of being a mother!
The guest on the radio show cut through all of these daunting tasks, and spoke directly to the fear women have of not being the perfect mum. Maybe you are not the type of woman who loves to don the apron, turn on the oven and bake with your child. Or perhaps you don't particularily feel inspired about playing another round of CandyLand with your little one. Maybe the thought of teaching your child to kick a ball sends you reeling back to that traumatic gym class. Maybe you feel guilty for not being the type of mom who can think of a craft idea on the spur of the moment. Perhaps the thought of taking your children on a nature walk sends you running for the bug spray.
Instead of treading through motherhood with the guilt of feeling as though you don't have what it takes, think of what inspires you and chances are, you have already instilled this in your child. If you run away at the thought of a sing-a-long, but absolutely love the world of science, run with the science theme. If the thought of teaching a sport to your little one sends you to the nearest couch, but you love to read, let someone else teach your child how to kick a ball and take a trip together to the library.
After listening to this advice, I became stunningly aware of what I have instilled in my daughters. Everyday, starting at 8 am, they ask in their high-pitched toddler voice, "mummy make a craft?". Apparently I have infused in them a love of creativity, without even intending to. Now, instead of inwardly groaning and dragging my feet to the craft cupboard, I try and remind myself that this is my own doing. The dream of creating with my very own children has come true, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
When the mummy guilt sets in, remind yourself what really inspires you and chances are, you have already instilled this passion in your litte one(s)... then put your mental feet up and out-source the rest!